

Hooray! Thank you for choosing one of our editable templates. If you thought editing the templates was simple, printing is just as easy.

If you would like to know how the ordering process works, see How To Order in case you missed it.

You can choose three ways to print your templates:

  1. Print your templates at home,
  2. Print your templates at a print shop of your choice or
  3. Make use of one of our Printing Partners.

Allowing you the opportunity to make your stationery work for you.

For guidelines on how easy it is to print at home or with a print shop of your choice, please see How to Edit your Template & How To Prepare Your Template for Print pages for detailed instructions.

1. Print Your Templates at Home

This option is perfect for printing templates on 8 ½ x 11” paper or smaller. 

This method comes with several benefits:

  • Costs are lower because the cost of ink for an inkjet printer is less,
  • You can reprint your templates as many times as you wish.
  • If you are more of a DIY bride, your templates can easily be paired with other embellishments like twine or ribbon to suit your style.
  • You do not need to wait for delivery or third parties, it is instant.

2. Print Your Templates at a Print Shop of your choice

This option is the best method because printing companies know everything that there is to know about printing. 

This method comes with several benefits:

  • The printing quality is excellent.
  • You can order samples of your template to test colours, card stock quality, and sizes.
  • You don't need to worry about trimming because they do it all for you.
  • They can print all of your templates from details cards to large signs.


Some print shops are online and allow you to upload your designs to their websites directly and deliver your prints to you. Copy shops are similar to print shops except there usually are staff with less printing experience and you may need to provide them with as much information as possible to get your templates printed. 

3. Make Use Of One Of Our Printing Partners

We work with two printing companies that allow you to easily upload our templates to their sites for print. 

This method comes with several benefits:

  • Our templates are tailored to suit their card stock sizes that they offer.
  • We have negotiated better rates and benefits for our customers to make use of whilst using our partners. These are highlighted below:
Zazzle (Worldwide):
  • Offer faster, high quality and affordable printing
  • Designs can be transferred to various sizes and card stock options
  • Designs can be transferred onto other items using their template technology. Enclosure cards can be transferred to wine bottle labels, invitations can be transferred to magnets for example.
  • I have preloaded blank templates that you can use to upload your designs to, eliminating the need to browse for templates that will fit the design perfectly.

➤ Shop templates here

Prints of Love (U.S.):
  • Save 10% off your order using the code "MAKEMEDIGITAL10" at checkout.
  • Offer faster, high-quality, and affordable printing.
  • Shipping is free within the U.S. and has a 2 - 3 day turnaround time.
  • You can use the free white envelopes they provide for invitation printing.

To see more, shop here to select your print options. They handle the rest!

VistaPrint (International):
  • Vistaprint offers affordable printing with delivery to over 140 countries worldwide.
  • Receive 20 off orders of 40 or more when you purchase your printed items using the link below.
  • Turnaround time is usually within 1 week, though you have the option to choose an express processing time at checkout.

To see more, follow this link: to select your print options.


If you would like to know how the ordering process works, see How To Order in case you missed it.

For guidelines on how easy it is to print at home or with a print shop of your choice, please see How to Edit your Template & How To Prepare Your Template for Print pages for detailed instructions.

Ready to shop? Great! Browse some of our popular event collections

Shop wedding invitations, signs, decor and other stationeryshop bridal shower invitations, decor, signage and other stationeryShop baby shower invitations, decor, signage and other stationeryshop birthday celebration invitations, signage and other decor templates





Our signs looked amazing and it was super easy to communicate with the seller and she assisted with getting the different sized templates we needed!



I would highly recommend this. It saved me hours of time and was so easy to use and turned out great!

Read more of our reviews here


  • Access Template Design

    All of our templates (except envelope liners) are editable in your browser. After checkout you will receive an access link in your emails to edit your templates.

  • Make Me Digital Studios, editable invitations, games and signage

    Personalize and Download

    Once opened in your browser, customise your templates to your personal taste. We've included a detailed instruction guide with tips on editing, printing, trimming, and more.

  • Print & Display

    Once downloaded, print your templates at home or at a print shop of your choice. Trim the stationery and get ready to impress everyone with your beautiful paper goods.

Have a question? We're always happy to help!